Think like a scholar: Using the ACRL Framework to shape collaborative, discipline-based information literacy instruction


Collaborating with faculty on teaching information literacy (IL) is arguably one of the most difficult aspects of academic librarian work. In this session, we presented how we used the concepts in ACRL’s draft Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education to guide conversations with faculty about teaching research competencies at Reed College. The Framework and its presentation of threshold concepts is particularly useful for developing discipline-specific teaching strategies and approaches when working with core and gateway courses. The session included the content we developed in collaboration with faculty for courses in music, anthropology, history, and psychology.

Apr 17, 2015 2:00 PM
Eugene, OR
Ryan Clement
Ryan Clement
Data Services Librarian

I help students, faculty, and staff find, use, and visualize data and other information. My research interests include information and data literacy, data visualization, library assessment, and user experience/service design.